but Home We are proud to announce that at the
World Dog Show held at Stockholm 2008
two of our Pom-Classic dogs where awarded the title of World Winner 2008

Pom-Classic Queen of Spades          
was both Top Bitch and Best of Breed competing with contenders from all over the world

Pom-Classic Queen of Spades

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Eva McQuiston is both the Breeder and Handler of Pom-ClassicShe managed both a fantastic and sensational Double Grand Slam at the World Dog show 2008

    Pom-Classic  Queen of Spades

winning  BIR at World Dog Show  July 2008 in Stockholm.
Pom-Classic  Queen of Spades
    Pom-Classic Rainbow Rider   
was Best of Breed Veteran, he is now an 11 year old and still going strong, He has been accredited with over 30 Best in Show awards as junior, Champion and as a Veteran